Legal case 'a matter for Commission' - McCreevy

The Government, which holds the EU Presidency, said today a legal challenge launched by the European Commission over disputed…

The Government, which holds the EU Presidency, said today a legal challenge launched by the European Commission over disputed budget rules was solely a matter for the Commission.

In a statement, the Minister for Finance, Mr Charlie McCreevy noted the EC's decision to launch a court challenge over the suspension of the Stability and Growth Pact.

He went on to say that the decision was a matter for the Commission "who had made it clear that they did not dispute the substance of the decisions taken by the Council on November 25th but rather were focused on the procedural issues involved".

The Irish presidency would process in the normal way the Stability and Growth Programme updates to come before European finance ministers in January, February and March, Mr McCreevy added.


The Commission said earlier it would challenge the decision, taken by EU finance ministers in November, not to penalise Paris and Berlin for breaking the EU's deficit ceiling.