Island seeks aid for ferry

GOVERNMENT concern for those living on 12 islands around the coast rings hollow to the 60 people living on Inishbiggle Island…

GOVERNMENT concern for those living on 12 islands around the coast rings hollow to the 60 people living on Inishbiggle Island, off Co Mayo.

The islanders rely on a currach ferry to bring the doctor, visitors and supplies across the Bullsmouth Sound separating them from Achill Island. The 500 metre tidal crossing is dangerous and has some of the fastest recorded tidal sea currents on the west coast.

Mr Paddy Henry (76) has campaigned for 30 years to improve access to the island but has been ignored. He wants an overhead cable car or monorail installed for the 800 metre crossing.

There is a new awareness of marine safety issues. National and EU safety standards for passenger ferries have been tightened following high profile disasters. Currachs are not expected to meet passenger ferry safety requirements.


Inhabitants feel that special treatment given to other Gaeltacht islands is denied to them. Other Gaeltacht islands have State assisted ferries.

They welcome the breakthrough which the current initiative presents in acknowledging the difficulties facing island communities. They trust the authorities will provide them with a safe island pier and standard ferry boat service before a fatal accident in Bullsmouth Sound.