The Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal (Amendment) Bill has been passed in the Dáil today and is expected to go before the Seanad tomorrow.
The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, reached agreement with the Irish Haemophilia Society last night on the Bill which will now enable spouses of people infected with HIV to seek compensation from the Tribunal.
The last minute amendment to the Bill came after representations last night from Positive Action and Transfusion Positive Spouses.
Mr Martin, had meetings with both groups last night and amended the Bill today to allow spouses of people who contracted HIV to seek compensation for claims including the loss of sexual relations arising from the risk of contracting HIV.
The extended compensation package is expected to cost an additional €110 million, adding to the estimated €460 million already paid to people infected through contaminated blood products.
An estimated 105 haemophiliacs were infected with HIV through imported and BTSB-made blood products. Some 64 have since died.