Mike Murphy (55), presenter, of The Arts Show on RTE Radio I, and Winning Streak on RTE television, is also a businessman. He lives with his partner, radio producer Ann Walsh. He has four children.
How much sleep do you need?
I need a minimum of seven hours and if I don't get a good night's sleep I do feel the effects the following afternoon.
Do you take much exercise?
Three or four mornings a week I go out at 7.30 a.m. and walk for 45 minutes or so. I recently joined a health club, where I do cycling, stretching exercises and circuit training two days a week minimum. I don't like to feel flabby. I like a certain tension in my body.
Me you an early morning person?
I'm quite good in the early mornings and that goes back to when I did early morning radio, so I kind of got used to it.
Are you careful about what you eat?
No, I'm not careful enough, that's for sure. But I have got to the stage where I do realise that junk food is not going to improve my prospects of longevity. Fried food is definitely either a no no or a sneaky indulgence when no one is around. I love a Big Mac and have one once a fortnight. I've also a weakness for fish and chips and sometimes I love a cream doughnut after lunch. I know that when I'm savouring these things all my capillaries are coagulating and I know I'm undoing any good I did exercising in the morning.
Do you drink or smoke too much?
I don't smoke but I do drink too much probably. I'm very fond of wine. I know that red wine is probably better for one's health but I'm very fond of a nice Pouilly Fume. I'd probably drink a little more than half a bottle a day. I do drink every evening and I make no apologies for it and I hope to continue that for the rest of my life.
Me there any foods you hate?
Porridge and custard because I cannot bear lumps. And fat on meat - I'm like a surgeon culling it away. I even find fat on fish. In my view, the fish are getting fattier all the time.
Have you ever been in hospital?
Yes, mainly with broken bones from falling out of trees and things like that when I was a boy. I was very ill on one occasion with meningitis in the early 1970s and nearly went to meet my maker.
Does your work make you stressed?
I don't get too stressed, no. I don't like to have appointments piling up on me and sometimes in my other business career I do find things stressful, but in terms of the arts show I don't get stressed because it's all work I enjoy.