Dr James Reilly, Minister for Health
Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
It’s hard because it’s so unpredictable and so busy. On any given day you might be going from a morning radio interview to the Dáil to a TV interview and number of meetings. Now I’m getting to grips with a busy department, so there are a lot of demands on my time and it’s hard to fit a healthy lifestyle in around that. However, I’m hoping to change that and to lead by example!
Do you exercise?
I try to. Last year I didn’t do enough training for the marathon, but I managed to finish it. I try to exercise every day. A walk is very good for your mental health – your mind just floats. I like to go out to the beach in Rush. It’s glorious.
Do you get your five a day?
I definitely try to. I always have a bowl of fruit in the office, but it’s raided regularly by everyone around us. I try to stay away from the starch, particularly bread. I’d eat broccoli, cabbage, turnips, anything. North County Dublin is the home of vegetable production in Ireland, so we get it all fresh.
Do you worry?
Yes. Everybody worries, but you try to compartmentalise things and not allow worry to come between you and your sleep. If something is bothering me and I can’t sleep, I just write it all down and leave it until the morning. Things always look an awful lot better when you wake up. Having worked as a GP for over 20 years with five small kids, you know what it is to do without your sleep. You worry about personal things and about political things – you’re always worried that you’re going to be misconstrued or misinterpreted, but I’d have to say, I’m not a worrier per se.
What do you do to relax?
I’d walk, run, read or listen to music – Beatles, Stones, Fairport Convention and Christy Moore too, and some blues stuff. I’d take the iPod with me for a walk or a run. Free’s Alright Now is one of my favourite songs as is Raglan Road.
What’s your unhealthiest habit?
Poor eating habits – skipping meals, snacking and grabbing what you can in anticipation of not being able to get something later. Having fought the battle of the bulge and having had many victories, the war still goes on. I want to get fit and lead by example.