Health board

** The support group for sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCDs) holds regular free talks in St Patrick’s University…

** The support group for sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCDs) holds regular free talks in St Patrick’s University Hospital, James’s Street, Dublin. Tomorrow at 7pm, counselling psychologist Aisling Curtain will speak about how acceptance commitment therapy can help deal with the disorder. On Wednesday, April 4th at 7pm, cognitive behaviour therapist and expert on mindfulness, Debbie Van Tonder, will speak about how mindfulness can help conditions such as OCD.


** Free parenting talks will be held in Imaginosity, the creative play centre for children in the Plaza, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford, Dublin, on Thursday from 7pm-9pm.

Psychologist Deirdre Cowman will talk about the importance of fostering a positive body image in children, while psychotherapist Joanna Fortune will explain early child development. Advanced booking advised on tel: 01-2176130. See imaginosity.iefor details.


** A new nutrition club which offers eight-week healthy lifestyle programmes kicks off in the Rustic Stone restaurant, South Great George’s Street, Dublin on Sunday, noon-1pm. The aim of the club, which will be held in various locations, is to offer group support to help people reach their personal nutritional fitness goals.

See nutriclub.ieor tel: 01-4600203 for details.

** Falling Forward: Growing Through Difficulty is the theme of a public talk by Canadian clinical psychologist and family therapist Duane O'Kane at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 28th, in the Carmelite Community Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin. Cost €10. See clearmind.comfor details.

** Irish charity Fighting Blindness is holding a free information evening at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 28th, in the River Lee Hotel, Western Road, Cork. The professional counselling service offered to those coping with sight loss, ongoing research into treatments and cures and patient advocacy will be discussed. See