Group concerned at safety in the Air Corps

Soldiers' representative group PDFORRA said today it was concerned about flight safety in the Air Corps.

Soldiers' representative group PDFORRA said today it was concerned about flight safety in the Air Corps.

This despite assurances made after the deaths of a four-man Search and Rescue (SAR) Aircrew in Waterford four years ago.

PDFORRA General Secretary Mr Gerry Rooney said: "Many personnel working in the Search and Rescue area have lost confidence in the flight safety environment in which they are required to work.

Mr Rooney said: "This is a most serious issue and it must be addressed by the relevant authorities".


Under the current safety environment PDFORRA fears that the lives of SAR crews are being put unnecessarily at risk, he said.

The Defence Forces this evening rejected the criticism saying "it is disgraceful to suggest that the Air Corps would countenance any unsafe practices or situations which would put the lives of any personnel or service users to unnecessary risk."

A statement said: "The Defence Forces reiterates its commitment to implementing robust and enduring safety procedures to ensure a safe working environment for all its personnel and service users."

However, PDFORRA said it has called for the imposition of a strict flight safety regime - even if this means a suspension of SAR operations until the necessary safety systems are modified and improved.

Mr Rooney said: "Although improved safety structures have been introduced as a result of recommendations of a Safety Audit Report produced by external consultants, there has been little change in the actual workings of flight safety systems."

"It is imperative that the Air Corps authorities address this issue so the lives of our members and indeed the service users are not put at unnecessary risk," he said.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times