Greens to begin election campaign at weekend

Green Party members will gather in Cork this weekend for their annual convention and will use the event to launch their election…

Green Party members will gather in Cork this weekend for their annual convention and will use the event to launch their election campaign.

Leader of the party Mr Trevor Sargent said: "The party is reorganising, re-focusing and is now well on course to increasing its representation in the next Dáil. We are well prepared.

"We now have excellent candidates in a number of key constituencies throughout the country and I am certain that we will make significant gains," he said.

One of the main items at the one-day convention will be a continuing debate on coalition. The party has already agreed to hold a special convention to decide on the issue of coalition should the numbers add up in their favour after the next election.


Other items on the agenda will be the restructuring of the health service, a report on the party’s anti-incineration campaign including the current national waste crisis and the lack of serious public transport investment.

There will also be a report and debate on the second Nice Referendum and the National Forum for Europe.