Granta - The Best of Young American Novelists (Granta, £7.99 in UK)

Any selection claiming to be the "best" of anything should be approached with caution

Any selection claiming to be the "best" of anything should be approached with caution. And considering that this uncomfortably self conscious Granta boasts an archly tacky cover featuring a Bruce Willis look alike baby wearing shades and a black beret, extreme care and scepticism are recommended. Still it is a relief that the 20 of America's best are not so young, all averaging about 40, with not a child wonder in sight the real youngsters must still be playing tennis. Among the 20 lucky nominees are Lorrie Moore, Ethan Canin, Mona Simpson and Madison Smartt Bell. Realism rules throughout, but the pick of this ageing litter must be Jeffrey Eugenides, author of a superb first novel, The Virgin Suicides (1993), with his wacky surrealist monologue, "The Speed of Sperm". The quality of contemporary US fiction speaks for itself. Why rehash an earlier Granta idea, Best of Young British Novelists? Anyhow, most of these youngish Americans are already famous. Lazy, lazy, Granta shame on you.

Eileen Battersby

Eileen Battersby

The late Eileen Battersby was the former literary correspondent of The Irish Times