The Government has approved a report on the advancement of women for submission to the United Nations. The report, entitled The National Plan for Women, will be submitted to the UN to fulfill the Government’s commitment to implement the UN Beijing Platform for Action on the advancement of women.
The Government also decided to publish a report entitled ‘Towards a National Women’s Strategy: Aspirations of Women collected in the course of the Consultation Process in the National Plan for Women 2002’. The report comprises the views and aspirations of women recorded in 336 submissions last year.
The views were recorded last October in a wide-ranging consultative process comprising 10 forums attended by 1,000 women countrywide.
Both reports are to be used to inform Government departments on the interests of women when formulating policy and legislation and will be taken account of when implementing Governmental programmes and measures.
The Government is currently developing a National Strategy for Women for the attainment of greater gender equality in all areas and has asked the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and other departments to bring further proposals to Government.