Garden Work

One of the joys of hand-weeding, as opposed to scraping around with a hoe, is that you come across self-sown seedlings of favourite…

One of the joys of hand-weeding, as opposed to scraping around with a hoe, is that you come across self-sown seedlings of favourite plants. Pot these bonus plantlets and stand them in a warm position (but not in too much sun) for a week or two. Don't be alarmed if they flop for a few days: they'll perk up.

Continue to sow salad crops, and feed tomatoes weekly. If you are growing a cordon tomato variety - the kind you train up a string or a bamboo cane - keep pinching out the side shoots so all the energy goes into a single stem. Greenhouse tomatoes need a lot of water, perhaps several litres a day. Be sure to water regularly: if you let the soil dry out and then water copiously, the fruits are likely to split.