Garden Work

As the days grow shorter and cooler, we are reminded that the dark days of winter are not far away

As the days grow shorter and cooler, we are reminded that the dark days of winter are not far away. But nothing cheats that season of its dreariness more than a bowl of scented hyacinths or `Paper White' narcissi inside the house. And now is the time to start forcing them into growth.

Pot up the bulbs in a container: hyacinths should have just the tips showing, while half of the bulb should be visible in the case of narcissi. Before the days of central heating, you could leave the pots in a cool, dark place indoors to start into growth. But now, few houses have the required dank and lightless conditions. Therefore, dig a hole, about 10 inches deep, in a shady corner of the garden and pop in the pot. Put a piece of permeable fabric over it and fill in. Mark with a bamboo cane.

After eight weeks, dig up and bring inside to a bright area - but away from direct sunlight and excessive heat. Water regularly, and as the green shoots and flower buds grow, rotate the pot a quarter turn periodically to achieve even growth.