
Holidays in the wild Teachers have a perfect opportunity to encourage children’s natural interest in nature as the summer holidays…

Holidays in the wildTeachers have a perfect opportunity to encourage children's natural interest in nature as the summer holidays fall upon us – and there are a few great resources to help out. First off, you can download Wild Things At School,written by Éanna Ní Lamhna and illustrated by Christine Warner, on heritagecouncil.ie. On the same site, you can check out county-by-county heritage specialists who visit schools. And Nature Boxby Dr Catherine O'Connell of the Irish Peatland Conservation Council is a super introduction to Irish habitats. Copies available at 045-860133.

In the Dublin Mountains

The Dublin Mountains Partnership has organised guided hikes in the Dublin Mountains over the next three Sundays. Tomorrow’s 5km walk starts at Carrickgollogan car park at 2pm. Next Sunday, it’s an 11km walk along the Wicklow Way and on Sunday, June 27th, it’s an awareness-raising hike in Cruagh Wood on the Leave No Trace principles. Booking at dublinmountains.ie. Wicklow Mountains National Park will host free family fun days on Thursdays in July and August from 2pm-4pm.

Booking at 0404-45656.


Botanic goes global

More than 400 delegates from 75 countries are expected at the 4th Global Botanic Gardens Congress at the National Botanic Gardens, which begins tomorrow. Attendants will review progress and set new targets for the global conservation of plants. The role of botanic gardens in plant diversity is seen as more crucial now as the threat to various species grows. The threat of invasive pests, diseases and plants and how to build sustainable botanic gardens will also be discussed.

See 4gbgc.com

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment