Ray D'Arcy
Current job: Radio and TV presenter
What school did you attend? St Joseph's Academy, Kildare
Had you any famous classmates? A County Kildare football panellist - does that count?
Hidden talents at school? Gymnastics. I won All-Ireland medals at primary school. Now I only do gymnastics when I've been drinking.
Where did you go to college? I studied psychology at Trinity
Best subject? Maths
Worst subject? English
Most inspirational teacher and why? My primary school teacher was a down-to- earth Kerryman who passed his no- nonsense approach on to us
What's the best thing about the Irish education system? My schooling in a small town had the benefit of bringing pupils together from all social backgrounds.
The worst thing? It creates Jacks of All Trades. I did eight subjects and I felt it was too many.
What song most reminds you of your school days? Monday Morning by Purple Helix. I was the lead singer for one day. The chorus went "Education, condemnation, My poor brain gets constipation..."