Mr Frank Dunlop has detailed 38 payments he made to members, or former members, of Dublin County Council or other politicians since 1991; payments numbers 1 to 16 were disclosed at the tribunal last month, and numbers 17 to 38 were detailed yesterday. Some politicians received more than one payment.
Payments made in 1991:
1. £12,000 paid in recipient's home
2. £2,000 paid in Dail bar
3. £1,000 paid in Conway's pub
4. £1,000 for election expenses
5. £1,000 "request for assistance"
6. £15,000 paid in Conway's pub
7. £2,000 paid in unidentified pub
8. £1,000 paid at recipient's home
9. £40,000 paid to "powerful individual"
10. £500 for a "personal" issue
11. £2,000 delivered to recipient's home
12. £20,000 delivered to recipient's home
13. £2,000 delivered to recipient's home
14. £2,000 request for election support
15. £2,000 no details
16. £8,500 to "powerful individual"
Payments made in 1992:
17. £1,400 related to 1992 general election
18. £5,000 handed to politician in cash
19. £500 to "very ubiquitous individual" and candidate in 1992 general election
20. £750 Mr Dunlop had only vague recollection of payment
21. £500 solicited by a colleague of the recipient, and handed over in a south Dublin pub
22. £2,000 handed over to a "fairly insatiable" councillor in environs of council chambers
23. £3,000 cash donation, subsequently returned in the form of a cheque, after councillor's party deemed it inappropriate
24. £2,500 payment which Mr Dunlop hoped would "bear some fruit" on a rezoning vote
25. £25,000 payment made after demand from councillor who "probably sought even more"
26. £500-plus payment to "relatively important" figure on council
27. £500 payment to councillor with whom Mr Dunlop had a long association
28. £1,000 payment which had not been solicited
29. £1,000-plus payment. Recipient expressed thanks for "very generous contribution"
30. £5,000 paid to "helpful figure" on rezoning matters
Payments since 1993 to people named on the 1991 and 1992 lists:
31. Undisclosed sum paid in "ongoing" arrangement
32. Payment in order of £10,000 over a variety of dates
33. An estimated £5,000 paid to previous recipient
34. Between £2,000 and £5,000 paid to councillor who featured on the 1991 and 1992 lists
35. Relatively small amount of about £1,000
36. Payment related to politician who assisted with at least three rezonings "and any others that he could see his way of muscling into"
37. Payment about which Mr Dunlop had difficulty recalling the details
38. About £1,000 to £2,000 paid in relation to a number of rezoning votes
Total: £180,000 approximately