Senior gardaí claim Government has reneged on pay deal

Superintendents will refuse to engage in changes in Garda

Garda superintendents have said they will not engage with changes within the force after they claimed the Government reneged on a pay deal.

The general secretary of the Association of Garda Superintendents , Denis Ferry, said on Tuesday there was a "serious anomaly" in pay as a reult of an agreement struck in November 2016.

He said newly promoted superintendents were paid between €4,000 to €6,000 less than when they were in their previous position as inspectors.

“There are a lot of newly promoted superintendents, but there is a serious pay anomaly for them as a result of the new pay agreement,” Mr Ferry told Newstalk Breakfast.


Mr Ferry said there is an unprecedented sense of frustration among superintedents who want assurances that this matter will be resolved.

Their claim relates to a side deal which Mr Ferry said was struck between the Government and senior gardaí in November 2016, when strike action was planned by rank-and-file gardaí.

“We all signed up to the previous agreement. There are 166 members of the rank of superintendent. There is a sense of disappointment that the Government has let us down,” he said.

Mr Ferry said he felt the Workplace Relations Commission or the Labour Court would be the best place to deal with the issue. Two requests to date for such discussions had been denied, he added.

The Garda Representative Association (GRA) and the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) both suspended their planned industrial action following recommendations on pay issued by the Labour Court on November 3rd 2016.

AGSI president Antoinette Cunningham said following the deal that "a fundamental and historic wrong" had been put right "as a direct result of the sustained four-year AGSI campaign to gain access to the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court".