Thumbs down: Women's size 14 clothes vary by several centimetres in different high-street chains, a consumer group found.
A Dorothy Perkins size 14 bust measurement is 97cm compared to 93cm at Marks & Spencer, according to Which?magazine. Waist measurements vary from 76cm at high-street chains Next and M&S to 78cm at Dorothy Perkins. Tesco uses the biggest hip measurement, at 103cm, compared to 100cm at M&S. The study didn't assess the measurements for men's clothes.
The devil in the devices
Thumbs down:Consumer electronics are hampering the fight against climate change. These new gadgets often use more electricity than older models, the British Energy Saving Trust (EST) warns. By 2010 consumer electronics, computers and home-entertainment systems will use 45 per cent of domestic electricity, the EST says, with the equivalent of 14 power stations needed to power them.
More soup, anyone?
Thumbs up:The bad weather is good news for comfort foods and more shoppers are going in search of fare more traditionally associated with winter, according to Asda. Soups, pies and hot chocolate are all seeing a sales boost compared with last year, while cough and cold medicines are doing well at the expense of hay-fever treatments.