We've got mail:Ripped off? Stunned by good value? Write, text or blog your experience to us.
Recently we carried an item about the high cost of coffee in St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin. A doctor working in the hospital sent us a mail pointing out that the Kylemore Cafe outlet in the hospital was charging €3 for a cup of coffee. The piece prompted Edward Hanlon to get in touch with a price comparison of his own.
"I was in Rome recently and in a cafe on a street directly in front of the Vatican, just a few hundred yards from St Peter's and I had an espresso and a pastry which cost the same as a coffee in the cafe in St Vincent's."
And as if that comparison didn't cast the pricing policy of Irish coffee shops into a sufficiently bleak light,
he says that a similar snack in the shadow of the Roman forum cost him just €1.50 - "50 cent for the
coffee and a euro for the pastry".
Strange exchange
Still more on the odd exchange rates in Dunnes Stores. Mary O'Grady recently went looking for a duvet in Dunnes in the Nutgrove Shopping Centre and was amazed to see that while it had a sterling price of £9, the cost in the local currency was €20.
"Surely there must be some rules about the exchange rates used?," she asks. (Sadly not.)