Church lays out divorce guidelines for ministers

NEW guidelines on divorce for Presbyterian ministers have been drawn up but they do not include provision for minister's spouses…

NEW guidelines on divorce for Presbyterian ministers have been drawn up but they do not include provision for minister's spouses. Female members of the church are concerned about the situation wives are left in after a marriage breaks down.

A spokesman for the church said yesterday it was up to the courts to ensure that a proper agreement was worked out between a couple who were divorcing. "In this type of situation you can only consider the person that effectively you employ," he said.

He pointed out that the new guidelines did not make financial provision for either party.

Guidelines on divorce for ministers and elders will be presented to the Presbyterian General Assembly by the church's judicial commission in June. At present there are no guidelines in this area.


It will be discussed in closed session, according to the spokesman, attended by all ministers, including female ministers and a number of elders.

Under the proposed new guidelines a Presbyterian minister must inform his presbytery if he is considering divorce. They state that a minister should not be removed from office solely because of involvement in divorce proceedings. The circumstances surrounding the divorce must also be examined.

A change in church law stating that a divorced minister wishing to remain in office after re marriage must get the approval of the Presbytery, will also be proposed at the assembly.