Anti-war protest at US embassy on Thursday

A protest against the British and US occupation of Iraq will take place outside the US embassy in Dublin on Thursday to coincide…

A protest against the British and US occupation of Iraq will take place outside the US embassy in Dublin on Thursday to coincide with US President George W. Bush's state visit to Britain.

Originally, the Irish anti-war movement (IAWM), the organisers of Thursday's demonstration, had planned to join in the mass demonstrations being held London on the same day against President Bush's visit but has now decided that Irish protests against the occupation of Iraq would be registered best served in Ireland.

Spokesperson for the IAWM, Mr Richard Boyd Barrett told ireland.comthat Thursday's demonstration, which takes place outside the US embassy in Ballsbridge at 6.30 p.m., is also aimed at "letting Bertie Ahern's Government know that we're (the IAWM) escalating our campaign" against the occupation of Iraq and the use of Shannon Airport by the US military.

Over 10,000 US troops passed through Shannon in the last month showing clearly that the Irish Government is up its neck in supporting the brutal US occupation of Iraq
Mr Richard Boyd Barrett, Irish Anti-War Movement

"We have called this demonstration to add our support to the Stop the War Coalition in Britain and the hundreds of thousands who will march in London calling for and end to the US/UK occupation of Iraq. We will also be sending a clear message to Bertie Ahern that we intend to escalate our campaign against the Irish Government for its collusion with the US war machine in allowing Shannon to be used by US troops," said Mr Boyd Barrett.


"Over 10,000 US troops passed through Shannon in the last month showing clearly that the Irish Government is up its neck in supporting the brutal US occupation of Iraq," he said.

At Thursday's US embassy protest the IAWM will announce details of its forthcoming march on Shannon airport on Saturday December 6th. Preparations are all ready well under way for a national demonstration at Shannon on December to "highlight Ireland's continuing involvement with the occupation of Iraq".

Plans will also be announced about another February 15th style global anti-war protest in the new year. These were agreed at a major gathering of anti-war activists in Paris last weekend that was attended by delegates from the IAWM.