Space looking for room to grow

IT’S not all about mass auctions with Stephen McCarthy’s Space agency. It’s not even all about auctions.

IT'S not all about mass auctions with Stephen McCarthy's Spaceagency. It's not even all about auctions.

Led by Space director Rowena Quinn, Space Home, its residential sales arm, has expanded rapidly since being launched in 2009 – and now it hopes to set up a new southside office.

"We started in a basement on Pembroke Street," says Quinn, "and now we have 26 employees." Unlike most agencies, it's even recruiting staff – Linda Reck, Ellen Prendevilleand Karen Beerehave recently joined, Reck and Prendeville in sales and Beere as office manager.

How come it’s so busy in this difficult market? It’s getting a decent number of properties every month says Quinn, some from banks, some from individuals who’ve been told about them.


It’s also getting sellers to be realistic about prices: e.g., it has just agreed the sale of a house in Foxrock that first came on the market in 2008 for €2.5 million; now, after a number of price drops, Space has sold it to a cash buyer for €700,000.

It will soon put a four-bed on Newtownpark Avenue in Blackrock, Co Dublin up for sale at around €500,000.

It’s the kind of property shrewd buyers – some first-time buyers who help off in the boom – are looking for, says Quinn.