Rain’s a pain: 10 ways to look stylish in wet and windy weather

Yes to bubble umbrellas, leather and layers. No to suede, denim and shapeless raincoats

We had a hint of an Indian summer last week, but this week we’re facing into much more miserable weather. The rain took people on their commute by surprise this morning, with many people now sitting in soggy outfits for the day.

The weather is showing no signs of letting up for the week, so here are some top tips on dressing your best, despite the wind and rain.

1. Layers are key Layers are key almost year-round in Ireland, but particularly as seasons change, and you've no idea what weather to expect. It's not that cold right now, but you'll feel colder in the wind and rain. Light layers will keep you cosy outside but are easily taken off again before you start melting indoors.

2. Invest in a bubble umbrella Sure, you'll be kept dry under a large golf umbrella, but at the expense of every other person in your path. Bubble umbrellas come down around you, meaning you'll stay cocooned from the rain, without annoying everyone else. They'll also shield your hair from the wind


3. Stay away from suede Suede bags, shoes or boots will be destroyed by rain. Even the best protectant spray will only do so much. Leave them at home to avoid your favourite accessories becoming worn-looking in a bad way.

Avoiding suede and other non-waterproof shoes is one of Lorna Weightman, fashion blogger at Style Isle, top tips for surviving this weather, stylishly.

“One thing to avoid would be a fabric-based shoe. Leather is quite resistant, and opting for those kind of harder-wearing fabrics on your feet is best. There’s nothing worse than wet feet for the whole day,” she says.

4. It's perfect trench coat weather "One really good investment is a good trench coat, because they're kind of immune to any seasonalities because they're not too warm but they're not too light," says Weightman.

Heavy raincoats are practical, but usually shapeless. A lightweight trench with a detachable hood will not only keep you dry, but you can belt it up for a flattering fit as well.

5. Throw on a scarf We've got a tendency to opt for fairly bleak colours as we head into the winter. Throwing on a bold, bright scarf can inject some colour and life into black or dark outfits and also provide cosy warmth for chilly autumn days.

6. Opt for patterns or metallic To avoid arriving into the office looking bedraggled, it can be beneficial to pick something patterned or metallic, where rogue raindrops will be camouflaged until you dry off.

7. Pick something tailored "Anything that drags along the ground, like a maxi skirt, or long trousers, is a no-no," says Weightman. There are few things more unpleasant than spending the day with wet ankles because the ends of your trousers have got soaked from dragging even slightly along the ground. More tailored cuffs will save you a world of misery on wet days.

8. Put away the denim Denim can take forever to dry, making it an uncomfortable choice if you're likely to get caught out in the rain. "When denim gets wet, it has that horrible, cold, hard feeling on your legs, which isn't very pleasant," says Weightman.

It’s finally the season for opaque tights, so if you don’t want to swap your jeans for trousers, black tights will keep you covered and warm if you opt for skirts or dresses.

9. Invest in winter boots now If you're going to invest in a decent pair of boots to take you through the winter, now is the time to do it. Weightman swears by her boots on wet days for the protection they offer her feet.

“One of my big tricks is to wear an ankle boot or a knee-high boot, because you can tuck the bottom of your trousers into them, and it stops them dragging along the ground, which you see all the time in the rain. The wet spreads up the fabric and before you know it, up to your knees is wet. By wearing a boot and tucking your trousers in, you’re rainproofing your feet,” she says.

10. Leather is a great, on-trend option Leather is still big this season and perfect for wet, windy days. "If you've a leather skirt and it gets wet, you can literally towel it dry," says Weightman. "There are loads of really nice leather trousers, skirts, culottes out there, so you can definitely factor in that trend, because it's very durable for this weather."