Profile: Fergus O’Dowd (FG)

Louth: Fourth TD elected of five


Fergus O’Dowd (67) is a long- standing Louth TD, first elected in 2002. Previously he was a member of Louth County Council from 1979 and served as mayor of Drogheda three times.

Although appointed education spokesman by Enda Kenny when in opposition, he backed Richard Bruton in the abortive 2010 heave against the party leader. Afterwards, he said: “I had doubts about Enda’s leadership last week but I have no doubts today.”

O’Dowd was a minister of state at the Department of the Environment where he had responsibility for Irish Water, an entity he later criticised as having “abjectly failed”. He lost his job during the 2014 reshuffle.

During his time as a TD, Mr O’Dowd has held several roles as spokesman.

He is married with three sons.