Solidarity with Travellers by Seβn ╙ Riain (Roadside Books, £6.99)

With prejudice against the Travelling community deepening and the number of official halting sites declining, this book makes…

With prejudice against the Travelling community deepening and the number of official halting sites declining, this book makes refreshing reading. It is the story of settled people standing by Travellers. ╙ Riain writes with passion and insight about the injustice one sees daily on the roadsside (1,200 families in the Republic). Our failure to provide shelter for the most vulnerable group in society - 1 per cent of the population - is due more to prejudice than lack of funding at this stage. The author, who welcomes Travellers into his family home in true Franciscan spirit, believes the acceptance of halting sites would help to make true communities out of our alien suburbs. He also asserts that problems within the Travelling community should be faced up to.