Jamie T

Mandela Hall, Belfast Tues 8pm £15.50 048-90324803; The Academy, Dublin Wed 9pm €18.95 01-8779999

Mandela Hall, Belfast Tues 8pm £15.50 048-90324803; The Academy, Dublin Wed 9pm €18.95 01-8779999

Rough-hewn, observational singer-songwriters who intone their lyrics in their local dialect aren’t anything new, and being called something along the lines of the bastard lovechild of Billy Bragg and Mike Skinner (or a one-man Arctic Monkeys) does no one any favours. Still, you can at least appreciate the reference points.

All this is to say that south London’s Jamie Treays sounds like he’s been around for quite some time (anyone out there remember punk poet/ singer Patrick Fitzgerald?). Yet Treays still brings an utterly individual slant to his music, which is part voice-of-a- generation rant and part considered dialogue.

These dates are rescheduled from Jamie T’s 2009 tour dates, which were postponed due to laryngitis.


Can't catch that? Catch this

Cluster,Saturday, Dublin

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture