ACT *****
On this evidence, the brilliant young Finn Verneri Pohjola has matured into a great trumpeter and a skilled composer and arranger. His seven sharply differentiated, purposeful pieces share distinctive melodic character with a rigorous avoidance of gesture – virtues also of an exceptional soloist who has made his own voice out of Miles Davis and Arve Henriksen. The arrangements, using permutations of flutes, bass clarinet, trombone, trumpet, rhythm and string quartet, are a delight; even his Askisto manages to combine fine string writing with a free role for piano/bass/drums and retain a sense of wholeness. Equally striking is Pohjola's ability to sustain interest over the longest (and strongest) performances,
Boxer Diesel,
Spirit of S, Colossusand, above all, the wonderful
For Three. A bonus is a dramatic
Concierto de Aranjuezfor trumpet and rhythm only.