Superorganism: Superorganism review – indie pop, the millennials version

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Artist: Superorganism
Genre: Pop
Label: Domino

If Superorganism had been around 10 or 12 years ago, they would undoubtedly have rivalled the likes of The Go! Team, CSS and Los Campesinos! for the affections of indie pop fans.

The multinational eight-piece's debut album may sound like a rough composite of those bands, but the most obvious influence on the London-based band is clearly Gorillaz, from the slapdash cut 'n' paste samples heard on It's All Good to the cartoonish, goofy electronica-laced Everybody Wants to Be Famous.

Elsewhere, Japanese vocalist Orono Noguchi sounds like she's fronting a Scandi-pop band on the comparatively finespun Reflections on the Screen, while Nai's March incorporates giddy video game effects and SPRORGNSM nods to Passion Pit's Sleepyhead.

This is an album not to be taken too seriously, as The Prawn Song demonstrates with lines such as "Have you ever kissed a prawn and got a cold sore?", but there is much to be said for its lighthearted party soundtrack vibe – although it eventually wears thin.


Are these just basic pop songs adorned with a multitude of bells and whistles, or are Superorganism pioneers in their field? It's most likely the former – but that's okay, too.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times