
Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will Rock Action Records****

Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will Rock Action Records****

If Mogwai came up in a word association game, what would you think of? Noise? Probably. Beauty? Most likely. Ridiculous album and song titles? Definitely. The Glaswegians are the original purveyors of the quiet/loud/quiet post-rock formula, but the mellowing effect of a 15-year career means their musical mood swings don't cut so deeply anymore. Hardcore is also as accessible as Mogwai gets. For the most part the amps aren't turned to 11, melancholy is kept to a minimum, and hummable hooks abound. Fingerprints from previous albums can be found, such as the circular ear-worm Rano Pano or the bone-crushing closer You're Lionel Richie.But witness the barely recognisable electro-pop of Mexican Grand Prixor the sublime, anthem-like Death Rays and hear a band still at odds with people's perceptions ofhow they think Mogwai should sound. It's not about growing older - it's just evolution, baby. See uk

Download tracks: Mexican Grand Prix, How to Be a Werewolf