Joanna Macgregor (piano), Ulster Orchestra/jane Glover

Ulster Hall, Belfast Tonight 7

Ulster Hall, Belfast Tonight 7.45pm Adm free 0044-370901122


Ulster Hall, Belfast Tues 1.05pm Adm free 0044-3709011227

This week’s pair of free BBC invitation concerts with the Ulster Orchestra offer a combination of the rare and the familiar.

Jane Glover conducts tonight's concert, which juxtaposes Ravel's Piano Concerto (soloist Joanna MacGregor) and Haydn's Symphony No 104 with Grace Williams's Fantasia on Welsh Nursery Rhymesand Unity of Beingby Belfast-born composer Deirdre Gribbin.

Tuesday's concert under Kenneth Montgomery offers what is believed to be the first performance of Dubliner Charles Villiers Stanford's 1903 Overturein the style of a Tragedy, as well as Beethoven's Romance in F(with violinist Catherine Leonard) and Haydn's Symphony No 73(La Chasse).