Which two words link Alcatraz, LA, New York and The Planet of the Apes?
1.Who is, from this week, getting steadily younger as his film progresses?
2.Who was born as Ruth Elizabeth Davis in 1908?
3.Whose recent autobiography was titled My Word Is My Bond?
4.Which two words link Alcatraz, LA, New York and The Planet of the Apes?
5."What the f**k are you doing? Shut the f**k up! Am I going to walk around and rip your f**king lights down?" A brief excerpt from which movie stars recent intemperate rant?
6.Merion C Cooper, John Guillerman and Peter Jackson have all done what?
7.Who's underneath all that make-up in the photo?
8.What do Bette Midler, Nicole Kidman and Tia Carrere have in common with Barack Obama?
9."I am a star. I'm a star, I'm a star, I'm a star. I am a big, bright, shining star. Thats right." The last line of which explicit epic?
10.How is Brian Fitzgerald better known to the natives of Peru?
1.Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt)
2.Bette Davis
3.Roger Moore
4.Escape From...
5.Christian Bale
6.Directed a version of King Kong
7.Fredric March in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
8.They were all born in Honolulu
9.Boogie Nights