250 queries answered by, beef helpline

AN Bord Bia's special beef information helpline set up to answer consumer queries on Irish beef dealt with almost 250 queries…

AN Bord Bia's special beef information helpline set up to answer consumer queries on Irish beef dealt with almost 250 queries yesterday, writes Sean MacConnell, Agriculture Correspondent.

According to a statement from the board, the special team of home economists and meat specialists dealt with more than 100 calls in the first two hours of operation.

"Just over a third of the calls were specifically about beef and a further 21 topic areas were addressed across a range of issues from the make up of pet foods and the safety of confectionery to meat sauces and requests for suppliers of organic meat."

A number of callers had asked about the safety of products containing derivatives of beef. These calls were being directed to two nominated members of the inter departmental advisory group established by the Department of Enterprise and Employment to take responsibility for this issue.


The helpline 1800-854678 will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from Monday to Friday next week.

The board also announced that following intensive contacts with the UK multiple retailers, Tesco and Sainsburys, Irish meat would be on sale, labelled as Irish, this weekend.

Tesco will carry Irish labelled beef in 530 stores in England and Wales from next week. Sainsburys will carry Irish labelled beef in all 375 of its own and

Savacentre stores.