Crosaire No 16571 by Crossheir – Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Most of 13 across (most of “talks” = TALK-) in hospital (-ER) (TALKER) might have a lot to say (TALKER),

4 Firm (CO-) ground (-LAND-) on half an acre (half an ‘acre’ = re = -ER) leads up (= reversal indicator) (COLANDER) to The Bowl that’s full of holes (COLANDER),

9 Owns up (ADMITS) amidst (amidst = ADMITS) problems (= anagram indicator),

10 Turns up (= reversal indicator), cause of bankruptcy (debt = T- BED) restricts old (-O) party (Fianna Fáil = -FF) getting round (O-) (OFF TO BED) one of those retiring (OFF TO BED),


12 Do damage in the column (SLIP A DISC) in part of paper (SLIP of paper) with leading academic (leading academic = A) going on the record (DISC) (SLIP A DISC),

13 Agree to leave Great Lakes (‘agree’ to leave ‘Great Lakes’ = tlaks = TALKS) for negotiations (TALKS),

14 Whatever you say, say nothing (TALK TO NOBODY) to half of 24 across (half of “talk over” = TALK) – it’s not (not = TO N-) over (= reversal indicator) with old (-O-) group (-BODY) (TALK TO NOBODY),

18 Chew the fat (TALK), tripe (NONSENSE) (TALK NONSENSE) and rabbit, like a fool (rabbit like a fool = TALK NONSENSE),

21 Set (set = E-TS) off (= anagram indicator) around 11 (-XI-) (EXITS) from Departures (EXITS),

22 Start off (f) shaving (shaving/sliver = ‘flake’ without ‘f’= LAKE) with 23 down (“garda” = GARDA) (LAKE GARDA) and large supply of Italian water (LAKE GARDA),

24 Nearly everything (s) in 13 across (“talks” without ‘s’ = TALK) is finished (OVER) (TALK OVER) – discuss! (TALK OVER),

25 Foreign spirit (GRAPPA) doctor (G-P -) outside Knock (knock = -RAP-) is anonymous (-A) (GRAPPA),

26 The end of 18 across (end of “talk nonsense”) is rubbish (NONSENSE),

27 No time in Middle East (No ‘time’ in ‘Middle East’ = ddleas = SADDLE) to put one over on Arabian (SADDLE on Arabian horse).


1 Shipments (TRANSITS) of marshals’ (marshals/arranges = anagram indicator) tin stars (tin stars = TRANSITS),

2 Rascal (-IMP-) in idyll (idyll = L-IDLY) messing (= anagram indicator) (LIMPIDLY) clearly (clearly/transparently = LIMPIDLY),

3 Taximeter doesn’t include time (‘taximeter’ doesn’t include ‘time’ = axter = EXTRA) bonus (EXTRA),

5 Department (OFFICE) obstructs (BLOCKS) (OFFICE BLOCKS) those providing jobs in the administrative sector (OFFICE BLOCKS),

6 Edits taut (edits taut = ATTITUDES) review (= anagram indicator) of Points of View (ATTITUDES),

7 Potter around (DABBLE) in gorge (DA-LE) surrounding hostelry (B&B = -BB-) (DABBLE),

8 Artist (RA-) uses this for still life (-DISH) (RADISH) of salad bowel (RADISH),

11 Those minnows conquering bigger adversities (GIANT-KILLERS) in the fairy tale for Jack (GIANT-KILLER-) and Jill’s finale (Jill’s finale = -S) (GIANT-KILLERS),

15 Move around (TRANSPOSE) spots near (spots near  = TRANSPOSE) complex (= anagram indicator),

16 Courageous type (INTREPID) tried pin (tried pin = INTREPID) differently (= anagram indicator),

17 Retiring (= reversal indicator) primates (apes = SEPA-) and judge (-RATE) (SEPARATE) in Split (SEPARATE),

19 Knocked about (BEATEN) by steel band dropping LSD (‘steel band’ dropping ‘LSD’ = teeban = BEATEN),

20 Fiddle (VIOLIN) French wine (French ‘wine’ = vin = V-IN) on the outskirts of old Irish domain (old Irish domain / ‘Ireland-on-line’ = -IOL-) (VIOLIN),

23 One of the Boys in Blue (GARDA) in cultural association (Gaelic Athletic Association = GA-A) keeps within half a yard (half a ‘yard’ = -RD-) (GARDA).