A SCANDANAVIAN car insurance company that specialised in policies for non drinkers has withdrawn from Ireland for lack of business, Guardian Insurance, which is taking over the company's policies, said yesterday. Ansvar, based in Sweden, said it had not reached the critical mass necessary for success in the Irish insurance market.
Ansvar is writing to its Irish policyholders to inform them of the decision. These will remain fully covered until their policies expire, then all will automatically offered renewal terms by GuardianPMPA.
The company, which launched in the early 1980s, advertised exclusively in Pioneer, the magazine of the 200,000 strong Pioneer movement. Although the company offered discounts of around 10 per cent for non drinkers, it never attracted more than around 7,500 customers.
Guardian said yesterday it was delighted to accept the new business, and promised to offer Ansvar's existing policyholders renewal terms and continuity of cover.