STILL on the subject of trademarks and asset protection the Council for British Naturism this week moved to cover its assets. The body (no pun intended) which represents British nudists bared all to reveal an unhealthy interest in clothing, but only, it should be stressed, in a strict business sense, Where the t-shirt was once seen as a necessary evil corporate nudism has curiously decided to branch out into logo-embossed designer clothing. The council has registered its logo (an orange sun with the initials BN) in preparation for the sales drive, a symbol which apart from clothing, will also appear on all officially-approved mugs and stationary.
A spokesperson for the society grumpily said that there was no contradiction in nudists running a designer clothing business. "Official garments will not necessarily be used at naturist venues. Anyway naturists obviously wear clothes when it's cold." A spokesman for the Institute of Trade Marks, commenting on the council's trademark registration, wryly remarked: "It's very prudent to protect against asset-stripping in this manner."