What to sow, plant and do now

Sow under cover with heat (minimum 20ºC): tomatoes; aubergines; peppers; celeriac

Sow under cover with heat (minimum 20ºC):tomatoes; aubergines; peppers; celeriac

Sow under cover (13-16ºC):beetroot; Brussels sprouts; hybrid broccolis; dwarf beans; mini, summer and autumn cauliflowers; celery; leeks; lettuce; endive; kales; orache; cut-and-come-again (CCA) crops

Sow outdoors (in mild areas/ favourable growing conditions):broad beans; peas; broccoli raab; radish; summer, autumn and winter cabbage; mini, summer and autumn cauliflowers; calabrese; carrots; curly endive; kales; lettuce; shallots; turnips; spring and main-crop onions; parsnip; spinach; CCA crops

Plant (in mild areas/favourable growing conditions):onion, garlic and shallot sets; early and maincrop potatoes; rhubarb (as sets); Jerusalem and Chinese artichokes; lettuce


Do:weed, dig and manure beds; prepare seedbeds; disinfect glasshouses/polytunnels/seed trays, etc; chit seed potatoes (remember to protect from frost damage); prick out seedlings; finish planning crop rotations