Profile: Clare Daly (Ind)

Dublin Fingal: Second TD elected of five

A stellar performer in the Dáil, Clare Daly (47) started her first term in 2011 as a member of the Socialist Party but parted ways with Joe Higgins to become an Independent Socialist. Articulate and relentless when pursuing an issue, she was to the forefront in highlighting cases of alleged Garda malpractice, in quashing tickets for traffic offences and in the investigation of scores of criminal cases. The controversy led eventually to the resignation of minster for justice Alan Shatter and the departure of Garda commissioner Martin Callinan. Arrested on suspicion of drink driving she was subsequently found to be under the limit but her detention was leaked to the media and she criticised her treatment while in custody. She was arrested again and charged in relation to the breaching of a fence at Shannon airport in protest at the US military's use of the facility. A former Fingal councillor and Siptu shop steward in Aer Lingus, she spent a month in prison in 2003 over the bin tax charges.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times