My holidays

Joanna Tuffy, Labour TD

Joanna Tuffy, Labour TD

What's your earliest holiday memory?Going to Mayo to stay with my grandparents. My parents emigrated to England when they got married so for the first five years of my life I lived in Newcastle upon Tyne. I remember getting the ferry and then travelling to Ballina. My parents later settled in Lucan so a lot of holidays were spent in Ballina or Enniscrone. They were great holidays with lots of cousins around.

What was your worst holiday?Philip and I went to a four star hotel in Ireland many years ago, which was a big deal at the time. One morning we went off for a swim and when we came back the whole room was covered in white sheets with a man there painting it. He turned around and said "Do you not want your room painted?". We couldn't change hotel but moved to another room.

What was your best holiday?In recent years I've stayed in a house owned by a relative in Exideuil, a small French village in the middle of the Dordogne. It's one of those really old quaint places with small shops, fresh bread every day and lots of places to visit nearby including historic châteaux. I love France and another great holiday was with my sister, parents, my partner and daughter to a mobile home north of La Rochelle. The main thing I love about France is the preserved old buildings, the cheese, the little boulangeries and restaurants.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?I'd like to visit Venice as I think I would enjoy the history and the canals. I'd love to go back to New York. I worked in Little Italy on my J1 visa over 20 years ago, although I'm sure it's changed a lot.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?My daughter Pippa and partner Philip. She loves going on holidays and infects me with enthusiasm. She even gets excited arriving at the hotel. Philip and I are not very regimented on holidays.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?Kerry and Mayo. I love Dingle and Sneem for the beautiful scenery but I have family connections in Mayo and think it is still fairly unspoiled.

Your recommended holiday reading?One of my problems is that I often start books and don't finish them. I was enjoying The Leavetakingby John McGahern and want to finish it. I have a Kindle so I can bring lots of books and pick and choose. I also get to read newspapers on it so I can keep an eye on current affairs.

Where will you go to next?I would like to go to Venice but most likely my next holiday will be in the west of Ireland or Cork and maybe France next summer.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY