The Sociology of Nightclubs The nightclub is a strange place. It’s social character and behaviour is rarely discussed of or examined in any great deal.

On the surface, the club is a place of loud music, people, and generally speaking the wild consumption of alcohol.

However, on a second look there lies something striking in nature which never fails to raise my eyebrows – the social interaction of the club. I’m hooked by how people’s social actions are manifested within chaotic scenes. Namely that of highly diverse and dynamic environments such as bars and pubs.

Sociology is the cause of my torment to reach for understanding, hopefully students of Social Science may resonate and students of other disciplines will begin to pause. As I walk down Harcourt street at eleven o’clock at night I begin to regret not leaving the Bleeding Horse earlier. Ugh their out! The people who have chosen to cloak themselves not only with their ‘evening wear’ but an impenetrable layer of perfume. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so hastening to judge.

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