War in Yemen

Sir, – This week, I received a text message from Concern looking for money to help save 20,000,000 people from starving to death because of war. Most of those victims are in Yemen.

But if it’s a question of money, surely Yemen’s neighbours in Saudi Arabia could deliver a solution at the stroke of pen? All the more so as the Saudi-Arabian war machine is part of the problem which created the famine in the first place. Are we donors meant to acquiesce as the Saudis mutter Inshallah or fiddle with their prayer-beads? The God’s will rationale for Ireland’s genocide would have pacified many a guilty conscience in the clubs of London in 1845.

In the meantime, with a thriving industry for high-tech arms components bound for Saudi Arabia, not to mention the Shannon conduit for American drones and other lethal hardware bound for the Middle East, what rationale can we Irish cook up these days to pacify our conscience as we watch the parades go by? – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.