Taoiseach’s plans for the future

Sir, – The consequence of any decision by the Taoiseach to prolong further his date of departure from office – or of his party to concede more space to him to reach a decision – will be to deny maximum space to his successor to get to grips quickly and effectively with the problems facing our nation. This cannot be said to be putting the good of the country or even the party first; it is quite the reverse.

Why not announce, without any further equivocation, his decision to retire rather than to resign from office on April 30th, some days after his 66th birthday? This would represent a dignified end to a successful political career. Anything less would be to tarnish that image. – Yours, etc,


Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.


Sir, – You report “Brexit and North more vital than departure date, says Kenny” (March 18th) quotes our Taoiseach as stating that there “are priorities that take precedence over anything else”. He then identified these “priorities” as “Stormont and Brexit”.

The CSO's Survey on Income and Living Conditions, published last month, gave some startling data that one would have thought might have forced its way on to the priority list of any political leader. It showed 789,855 people are living in poverty in Ireland today. Of this number, 245,645 are children under the age of 18. Other details contained in the report are equally shameful and sickening.

Apart from the fact that nothing should take precedence over the elimination of such suffering, Mr Kenny tells us that he is focused on two matters over which he most likely has little or no influence.

Is it safe to assume from all of this that Mr Kenny’s priority is himself ? – Yours, etc,


Rathedmond, Sligo.