Road surfaces and cycling

Sir, – Recently much attention has been focused in the media on road safety for cyclists, and the Road Safety Authority has launched an impressive campaign designed to raise motorists’ awareness of the vulnerability of cyclists.

New on-the-spot fines have been introduced for cyclists who break the rules of the road. While such measures are laudable, a commensurate need exists to resurface parts of some of our appallingly surfaced Dublin roads containing massive cavities (not potholes).

Yesterday while cycling home from work, the entire contents of my grocery bag was jettisoned from the basket of my bike onto Fenian Street near the city centre.

If safe bike riding is to be made a policy priority, then there is also an urgent need to design realistic bicycle lanes that do not actively serve to endanger cyclists’ lives.


The starting point here would be at the major junction at Christ Church Cathedral, which currently poses a challenge to even the most cautious cyclist! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.