‘Ireland’s water woes’

Sir, – I refer to your excellent series of articles on water ("Ireland's water woes", July 15th, 16th, 17th). It is only right and proper that the articles reference the issue of leakage.

As a simple reminder of this, might I suggest Irish Water change its mission statement to incorporate the lyrics of Danny Boy: “the pipes, the pipes are calling” . – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Like many, I am in favour of water charges for those who waste water. However, like many, I also wanted certainty that Irish water would remain in public ownership.

There have been five referendums since the founding of Irish Water. So why hasn’t the Government had a referendum on keeping our water under State ownership?

Otherwise we must assume that the introduction of charges is about privatisation of our water resources and not conservation of them.

That is something that needs to be put to the people. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.

Sir , – With regard to the legislation to charge people who waste water, I would like to know if this applies equally to everyone and, if it does, will Irish Water, which is the biggest waster of water (nearly half the water produced in Dublin disappears through leaks), be charged the rate per one thousand litres for the water it wastes, or will it be forced to fix the leaks? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 12.

Sir, – While your recent features regarding the issues surrounding the public water supply in Ireland made some valid points, a lot of these observations and conclusions were predicated on two projections neither of which are inevitable: a sizeable growth of population in Ireland by 2050 and, in particular, that this expanded populace must be based primarily in the eastern part of the country.

Good governance can manage population growth in the interests of social cohesion. For me, it’s more a case of further poor planning compounding the outcomes of previous poor planning. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.