Fines for cyclists and driver obligations

Sir, – For pedestrians, the bane of our lives has been the increased number of cyclists using the paths as substitute cycle ways.

If the new provision of a fixed fine for cyclists for “proceeding into a pedestrianised street or area” includes this, it is very welcome.

If it does not, why not? And if it does, why is it not more explicit: a civil servant in the Department of Transport should be able to manage a sentence of that simplicity. – Yours, etc,



Mount Brown,

Dublin 8.

Sir, – Most cyclists don't seem to consider themselves full road users and are likely to have to adapt their behaviour quite a bit to avoid the new on-the-spot fines ("Cyclists face on-the-spot fines for seven road traffic offences", July 2nd).

This might well be a relief to the majority of drivers who try to respect cyclists’ rights in traffic, despite their propensity for unpredictable or erratic manoeuvres.

Sadly, it will do little to help an important minority group, who, in their own estimation at least, are one of the most invulnerable groups on our roads.

These people, often young males, continue to experience insurmountable difficulties in yielding to cyclists at roundabouts or junctions at times when the cyclist has right of way, causing a thousand near accidents every day, all the while blithely oblivious to danger and consequence.

Perhaps additional measures could be introduced to help such drivers with this blind spot, so they don’t have to claim the cyclist came out of nowhere should they ever have the misfortune to hit one. – Yours etc,


