Difficulty in recruiting new GPs

Sir, – My colleague (and cousin) Gary Stack comments on the 39 per cent Fempi (Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) cuts to GPs. This figure relates to the gross payments to practices ("Residents fear Sneem will no longer be a village once GP retires", Home News, August 5th). With overheads at 50-60 per cent the net (medical card) income cut to GPs is doubled or more, ie, 75 per cent plus.

It is no wonder that younger colleagues are voting with their feet. We have invested in these people for 20 years, only to lose them, usually for good. That this has always happened is bad enough, but in the last decade, established doctors, even in their 50s, have been driven from this island.

Sneem is far from the first “brick” to be lost. I fear for the (rest of the) wall. – Yours, etc,




Co Chill Dara.