Death of Lee Kuan Yew

Sir, – In the wake of Lee Kuan Yew's passing, your balanced editorial (Singapore's guide, March 29th) is to be welcomed in acknowledging the formative role Mr Lee played in building and moulding the city-state of Singapore in his own self-image.

It was a remarkable and singular achievement. While you correctly highlight his influence on the leadership of China’s Deng Xiaoping, it is easy to overlook the impact his example had on western politicians from Margaret Thatcher to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton (who attended his funeral). All three in one way or another were happy to acknowledge Mr Lee’s core pragmatism and lack of ideological baggage in facing the critical issues of the day.

While an unapologetic champion of “Asian values”, he was more than happy to maintain the first past the post system he inherited from the British, as well as flogging and the death penalty.

On balance, his pragmatic patriotism and desire for Singapore to succeed did blind him at times, but he never lost sight of his end goal: a multicultural, outward looking, sustainable metropolis based on free trade in commerce and investment in people.


This legacy will outlast his passing. – Yours, etc, DAVID DOYLE Singapore.