Administrator appointed to Waterford and Lismore diocese

It follows resignation of Bishop William Lee on health grounds

Msgr Nicholas O'Mahony has been appointed diocesan administrator for Waterford and Lismore diocese. On October 1st it was announced that Bishop William Lee was standing down for health reasons. Msgr O'Mahony thanked the Bishop "for his 20 years of ministry as bishop" and prayed for him "in his retirement, in particular for his health". Msgr O'Mahony will act as administrator until a new bishop is appointed. Today he asked for prayers that, "guided by the Holy Spirit, a suitable bishop will be appointed."

Earlier this month Bishop Lee (71) said in a statement to the diocese that “in July 2011 I was diagnosed with serious illness and, since diagnosis, I have been under medical care. This has impacted greatly on my health and ministry. Recently the medical advice to me has been that, in the interests of my health, I should retire.”

Consequently, he said, he had submitted his resignation to Rome and this had been”graciously accepted.” It was “with reluctance and sadness that I have come to this decision to retire as I have been very happy and blessed amongst you the priests, religious and people of the diocese,” he said.

In response the Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady said he was “pleased for Bishop Lee’s own sake and for his health. But, on a personal level, I do genuinely regret his retirement – his warmth, wisdom and compassion will be missed.”


Noting that Bishop Lee had been “secretary to the Irish Episcopal Conference for 15 years from 1998 .....I want to acknowledge his loyal, faithful and outstanding support of the work of the Conference during that time.” He looked forward “to Bishop Lee’s friendship in the coming years” and asked people “to remember him in your prayers at this time.”

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times