Irish food companies urged to use Teagasc research

Irish food and drink exports should reach €10 billion by 2015, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said yesterday.

Irish food and drink exports should reach €10 billion by 2015, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said yesterday.

Speaking at the launch of a Teagasc programme to increase collaboration between the State agency and food companies, he stressed the need for Ireland’s food industry to be “proactive” in responding to changing demands.

Teagasc’s new technology transfer strategy aims to encourage Irish food companies to use science-based research by the State agency. It currently works with over 300 companies each year, investing €15 million annually in science research.

Yesterday the agency launched a portfolio of 40 “live technologies” which are open to companies. The database of technologies is available online.


According to Prof Gerry Boyle, director of Teagasc, companies can link up with the agency’s research in a variety of ways, including through intellectual property and licensing agreements, research contracts or the hire of its plant facilities at Moorepark in Cork and Ashtown in west Dublin.

Among the research by Teagasc are projects on cheese, gluten-free bread and technologies which produce healthier meat products.

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch, a former Irish Times journalist, was Washington correspondent and, before that, Europe correspondent