Fighting for Peace by General Sir Michael Rose (Warner Books, £9.99 in UK)

General Rose was UN Commander in Bosnia in 1994 and is a strong supporter of UN peacekeeping

General Rose was UN Commander in Bosnia in 1994 and is a strong supporter of UN peacekeeping. This edition has a startling new preface on the Kosovo campaign. Few more comprehensive condemnations have appeared. "NATO had ignored the experience of Bosnia" and "failed to understand that the nature of conflict had changed fundamentally". Ruling out ground troops "gave Milosevic carte blanche to launch a full-scale pogrom. If NATO is not prepared to accept a risk to its soldiers it is militarily useless". Bypassing the UN was a damaging and "dangerous precedent". Is he justifying himself? The question about Bosnia, he says, is why "I refused to allow NATO to mount a strategic air campaign against the Serbs". Was the real question his refusal of tactical air-strikes on the guns shelling Sarajevo? Fascinating and well-written.