Jail term for Stephen Carroll murder increased by four years

Court of Appeal rules on John Paul Wootton’s sentence over death of PSNI constable

The minimum prison term imposed on a dissident republican for the murder of Constable Stephen Carroll is to be increased by four years, the Court of Appeal ruled today.

Senior judges raised John Paul Wootton’s tariff from 14 to 18 years due to the aggravating factors of his still undefined role in the terrorist killing.

They also confirmed their decision not to interfere with the minimum 25-year sentence co-defendant Brendan McConville will serve.

Director of Public Prosecutions Barra McGrory had argued that both men's jail terms were unduly lenient.


Wootton (23) and McConville (43) are currently serving life sentences after being jointly convicted of the Continuity IRA murder.

Constable Carroll was the first member of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)to be killed.

He was ambushed and shot dead as he responded to a 999 call at Lismore Manor, Craigavon in March 2009.

McConville, formerly of Glenholme Avenue in the town, and Wootton, from Lurgan, were also convicted of possession of an AK47 assault rifle and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

Wootton was further found guilty of attempting to collect information likely to be of use to terrorists.

A circumstantial case against them at the non-jury trial involved DNA and other evidence.

Wootton’s car was held to have been near the scene of the attack and driven off within minutes of the killing.

Gun residue was found on a coat linked to McConville which was later recovered from the vehicle.

In May both men failed in attempts to have their murder convictions overturned.

The case then switched to a prosecution challenge against the sentences handed down to the pair.