Conservationists look to online tools

The use of technologies such as Twitter and Facebook offers major opportunities to people campaigning to save heritage sites, …

The use of technologies such as Twitter and Facebook offers major opportunities to people campaigning to save heritage sites, a conference in Dublin has heard.

David Brown of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States said the use of blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, podcasts and Twitter had become increasingly valuable to conservationists.

"These terms were non-existent when many preservationists, architects and conservationists studied in school. But as we look to engage and then empower the public in the work to save places that matter, these and other 21st century communications tools have become vital to our success," he said.

"There are so many opportunities for preservation and conservation groups to use social media. Your imagination is the only limiting factor."


Mr Brown was speaking at the 13th international conference of national trusts which is being held in Dublin Castle this week.

It concludes on Thursday.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times